Cover letter
I am an English teacher at the University of Pardubice.
I teach English for Specific Purposes and English for Academic Purposes focused on Academic Speaking and Academic Writing
I am a PhD student in the field of ICT in Education at the Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia
My dissertation project title: Digital portfolio as a tool for development of autonomous learning and English language competence in university students
- teaching English courses for academics of the University of Pardubice
- lecturer and course guarantor at all three levels of higher education: Bachelor, Master and Doctoral
- a memeber of the jury of examinors at the Faculty of Chemical Technology - doctoral level
- LMS Moodle administrator and ePortfolio system Mahara administrator
- involved in the project "iPad at school"
- involved in piloting Digital Badges in education and related research.
- experience with project proposals and project management - key activity eLearning in the ESF project UNICOM 2012 -2014
Personal motto:
'The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.'
Chinese proverb
Profile information
This is my professional Résumé created in the environment of the Mahara ePortfolio sofware.
- First name: Linda
- Last name: Pospisilova
- Email address:
- Official website address:
- City/region: Eastern Bohemia
- Country: Czech Republic
- Business phone: +420 466 036 483
- Occupation: English teacher
- Industry: Higher/University Education
Academic skills
ESP - English for Chemistry, English for Health Studies, English for Graphic Arts
Academic Writing
eLearning - LMS Moodle, Mahara, web 2.0
teaching English for Scientists
Testing Spoken English - CEFR
Certified TOEIC Examiner
2014/15 iPad in education (project of 24U)
Project management:
2012 - 2014 Inovace integrované koncepce jazykového vzdělávání k zajištění kvality, podpory excelence a internacionalizace (UNICOM) (spoluřešitel) - vedoucí klíčové aktivity pro eLearning
2011 - FRVŠ projekt Interaktivní terminologická databanka (spoluřešitel)
2009 - FRVŠ projekt E-learningový kurz rozvíjející komunikativní dovednosti v anglickém jazyce pro zdravotnická studia (spoluřešitel)
2007 FRVŠ projekt Tvorba a realizace elektronické formy on-line kurzu - řešitel
Education History
University of West Bohemia
- 2019
PhD student
eLearning course (LLE) at ZČU Plzeň
March 2011
- May 2011
eLearning course (LLE) by Lucie Rohlíková and Jana Vejvodová, ZČU Plzeň DiV Distanční vzdělávání
Teaching English (Master) at University of Pardubice
- 2000
Bachelor at English Teaching at University of Pardubice
- 1997
LIMA - intensive language course
- 1994
Grammar school - Humpolec
- 1993
Keynote speech University of Zurich
Keynote presentation, Mgr Linda Pospíšilová, University of Pardubice
(Czech Republic):
“How do we learn and teach languages in the 21st century?”
Conference Contributions
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. ePortfolio jako nástroj rozvoje autonomního učení. In Sborník příspěvků z konference a soutěže eLearning 2016. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2016. s. 84-89. ISBN 978-80-7435-657-5.
Digitální portfolia a jejich využití v terciárním vzdělávání jsou stále na vzestupu a to především v zahraničí. Portfolia jsou využívána jako hodnotící nástroj, ale stále častěji získávají roli nástroje, který má sloužit celoživotnímu vzdělávání a pomoci studentům s uplatněním se na trhu práce. Stále větší důraz je při práci s portfolii rovněž kladen na tzv. evidence-based learning. V souladu s nastíněným vývojem byl v rámci pilotáže navržen a ověřen výukový model odborného anglického jazyka založený na rozvoji některých klíčových dovedností 21. století, jako jsou sebereflexe, sebehodnocení a autonomní učení, a to na všech stupních terciárního vzdělávání a s využitím digitálního portfolia. Dílčí výsledky pilotní studie jsou prezentovány v tomto příspěvku.
Attached files (1)
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Enhancing Language Learner Autonomy Through ePortfolio Use. In Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL. Sonning Common: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2016. s. 744 - 749. ISBN 978-1-911218-18-0.
Nowadays, in compliance with the so-called 21st century skills, it is desired to provide our students with skills needed to become successful, autonomous, and reflective practitioners. Implementation of ePortfolio in the learning process seems to be a feasible solution to the above mentioned challenge. The aim of the author’s research is to examine the potential of ePortfolio use in language learning at tertiary level. The paper describes a pilot study of a course design enhanced by ePortfolio application and piloted in university students of English for Specific Purposes and the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. 40 students of English for Economics and English for Chemistry are involved in the initial phase of the study with the aim to provide language learners with space for self-analysis and self-reflection followed by blended form of guided autonomous learning and subject learning. The study participants undergo several stages of language level assessment. Firstly, it is an initial ePlacement test; consequently, students go through self-assessment of their skills followed by standardized language testing. The results of tests are shared and discussed with the students with the focus on strong and weak skills. Each phase is concluded by setting learning objectives based on obtained test results and self-assessment forms. The process aims at formulation of partial, concrete, and achievable learning objectives. The main functions of portfolio are all present in the study phases: evaluation, growth, and showcasing functions. The ePortfolio represents both the role a personal learning space and simultaneously of a space designed for collecting artefacts which provide evidence of met objectives. The suggested teaching and learning model using ePortfolio to enhance reflection and autonomy in learners can be adjusted and applied in teaching and learning subjects of various fields thus increasing the learning experience and outcomes in the learning process.
Attached files (1)
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Autonomous Learning on the road s digitálním portfoliem. 2016. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2016.
Digitální portfolia a jejich využití v terciárním vzdělávání jsou stále na vzestupu a to především v zahraničí. Portfolia jsou využívána jako hodnotící nástroj, ale stále častěji získávají roli nástroje, který má sloužit celoživotnímu vzdělávání a pomoci studentům s uplatněním se na trhu práce. Stále větší důraz je při práci s portfolii rovněž kladen na tzv. evidence-based learning. V souladu s nastíněným vývojem byl v rámci pilotáže navržen a ověřen výukový model odborného anglického jazyka založený na rozvoji některých klíčových dovedností 21. století, jako jsou sebereflexe, sebehodnocení a autonomní učení, a to na všech stupních terciárního vzdělávání a s využitím digitálního portfolia. Dílčí výsledky pilotní studie jsou prezentovány v tomto příspěvku.
Attached files (1)
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Badging in Language Learning: A Step beyond Gamification. In DisCo 2015: From Analog Education to Digital Education. Praha: Centrum pro studium vysokého školství, 2015. s. 15-24. ISBN 978-80-86302-47-8.
The aim of the paper is to analyse the potential of digital badges in the area of language learning in the field of formal university education and their potential extension towards other meaningful learning contexts. With reference to their previous publications, the authors deal with the following theoretical aspects of the topic: the role of digital badges within the so called authentic assessment by means of portfolio, the potential of digital badges in the area of establishing meaningful links between formal, non-formal and informal learning, and the redefinition of the conceptual framework of “badging” in the Czech educational context. In their paper, the authors therefore formulate an urgent call for an extension of the scope of “badging” in formal education beyond the concept of gamification, i.e. towards the use of badges in broader contexts. As an empirical evidence for this claim, the authors present the outcomes of a small-scale investigation into the students’ subjective perceptions of “badging” in LMS Moodle carried out from the perspective of the influential Bartle’s typology of players, together with the descriptive data related to a large-scale use of digital badges in the language courses at the University of Pardubice during the previous 2 years.
Attached files (1)
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Digital Badges as an Organisational Principle of the Language Course.
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Digital Badges as an Organisational Principle of the Language Course. In Conference Proceedings: ICT for Language Learning. 7th edition. Florence:, 2014. s. 167-172. ISBN 978-88-6292-548-8.
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Využití "Badges" v kurzech odborného anglického jazyka v LMS Moodle. Winning the third place in the eLearning competition: category - multimedial object
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Využití "Badges" v kurzech odborného anglického jazyka v LMS Moodle. In Sborník příspěvků z konference a soutěže eLearning 2014. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2014. s. 8-13. ISBN 978-80-7435-481-6.
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Digitální odznaky: prostředek podpory procesů hodnocení ve výuce cizích jazyků.
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Digitální odznaky: prostředek podpory procesů hodnocení ve výuce cizích jazyků. In UNICOM 2014. Sborník příspěvků z konference. Conference Proceedings. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2014. s. 17-22. ISBN 978-80-7395-862-6.
February 2014
Mahara presentation
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Spojení Moodle a Mahary v kurzu Angličtina pro polygrafii. winning the first place in the eLearning competition: category - eLearning course
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Spojení Moodle a Mahary v kurzu Angličtina pro polygrafii. In Sborník příspěvků z konference a soutěže eLearning 2013. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2013. s. 27-32. ISBN 978-80-7435-327-7.
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POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - REIMANNOVÁ, I. Osobní učební prostředí českých a finských studentů. In Sborník příspěvků z konference a soutěže eLearning 2013. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2013. s. 125-130. ISBN 978-80-7435-327-7.
November 2013
REIMANNOVÁ, I. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. Virtual English Student Teacher. In Bildung und Sprachen in Europa / Education and Languages in Europe. Wien: LIT Verlag, 2013. s. 419-428. ISBN 978-3-643-50505-7.
June 2013
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - PODLÁSKOVÁ, I. Towards Excellence Through Language Teaching Innovations - EU Funded Project at University of Pardubice.
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - PODLÁSKOVÁ, I. Towards Excellence Through Language Teaching Innovations - EU Funded Project at University of Pardubice. In INTED 2013. 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2013. s. 4379-4386. ISBN 978-84-616-2661-8.
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - BEZDÍČKOVÁ, Z. - CIBEROVÁ, D. (Anglický jazyk pro chemii v LMS Moodle)
November 2011
Attached files (1)
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - BEZDÍČKOVÁ, Z. - CIBEROVÁ, D. (English for Science using LMS Moodle)
September 2011
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - BEZDÍČKOVÁ, Z. (English for Science in LMS Moodle)
BEZDÍČKOVÁ, Z. - PODLÁSKOVÁ, I. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - KRČMÁŘ, P. (Application of Students' Experience of Social Networking in Learning/Teaching Process)
June 2011
KRČMÁŘ-P; POSPÍŠILOVÁ-L. (English Moodling for Health Studies)
BREBERA, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. (Linking English to Chemistry: e-stories of the students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology)
June 2010
POSPÍŠILOVÁ-L; KRČMÁŘ-P. (E-Learning As A Tool For Distance Language Teaching Sborník-contribution)
June 2010
POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. - KRČMÁŘ, P. (Případová studie e-learningové podpory odborné výuky jazyků na Univerzitě Pardubice)
KRČMÁŘ, P. - POSPÍŠILOVÁ, L. (Distant ESP Learning Challenges: Solution by eLearning)
Open Badges
Open Badge Passport
Further Education, Trainings
Autonomous Learner course
January 2015
Creativity in the Classroom / Zážitková pedagogika
tutor: Willy Cardoso
ICT in the classroom - methodology, Impact Brno
Nikki Fortova Shaun Wilden 1) The web of words 2) To flip or not to flip 3) Mobile learning (BYOD)
ICT outside the classroom - Impact Brno
IMPACT workshop tutored by Nikki Fortova and Shaun Wilden. 1) Getting your head in the cloud 2) Developing writing skills 3) Developing speaking and pronunciation
Testing Spoken English (CEFR) - David Horner
Davida Horner
Zpátky ke kořenům etnografické práce/Back to the Roots of Ethnographic Fieldwork
Mgr. Klára Šeďová, Ph.D. Mgr. Roman Švaříček, Ph.D. Kvalitativní seminář v rámci ČAPV 2013 Efektivita vzdělávání v proměnách společnosti, Ústí nad Labem
LMS Moodle 2.5 pro učitele
June 2013
First Moodle MOOC given by Dr. Nellie Deutsch, Toronto, Canada.
Problem Solving in English - Sabina Schaffner
Sabinou Schaffner peer-coaching
Writing Skills in the Academic Context - Joanne Eastlake
10 - 11/04/2013
Joanne Eastlake Academic writing as social practice Text types The academic communities and disciplines Other academic literacies Academic writing as critical thinking Developing arguments Identifying false arguments Ownership and critical engagement Academic writing as text Assessment discourse – making assessment clear from the outset Feedback – making the implicit explicit Feedback for learning Academic writing as process Planning your students’ work Feeding back on student work in progress How to help your students avoid plagiarism Activities and approaches to help learners develop writing skills Collaborative writing Peer reading and feedback Using social media Speaking to writing Other types of writing in the academic process Writing in the lecture/seminar/ learning teaching cycle.
Webinar - Curation tools for students and teachers
Curation tools for students and teachers with Kristina Smith (Turkey) Curation is about creating a collection of links to your favorite online content (pictures, worksheets, presentations, articles, etc.) storing the links so they are easy to find from a single page sharing them with other teachers who will also share with you accessing the most useful links quickly through a network of people with similar interests possibly also collaborating with others to create these collections For teachers this means sharing resources quickly and easily with other teachers around the world. It also opens up the possibility for students to create their own collections of resources. In this webinar we'll look at some tools for 'content curation', examine their advantages and possible drawbacks and consider the issue of copyright when sharing other people's content. We'll do this while looking at real examples of how teachers and students are using these tools. By the end of the webinar I hope you will be motivated to explore some of these tools for yourselves.
ICT in the classroom - methodology, Impact Brno
a workshop given by Kristina Smith and Isil Boy from Istanbul University on ICT tool management in the classroom
ICT in the classroom - Impact Brno
a workshop given by Kristina Smith and Isil Boy from Istanbul University on ICT tools language teachers may use in the classroom
Intercultural Communication
17 - 20/09/2012
UNICOM TRAINING Intercultural Communication - Multinational Corporation Aspect The course given by two experts Judith Mader and Rudi Camerer
Moodle pro učitele II
UNICOM training given by PCHelp representative Mgr. Miroslav Sklenář. 1) Moodle 2.3 upgrade and news 2) Assigments 3) Groups 4) Workshop
Mahara - ePortfolio
UNICOM two-day intensive training on Mahara utilization and implementation given by Mahara specialist Sieglinde Jakob-Kuhn form Germany.
Moodle pro učitele I
UNICOM course related to key activity KA04 - e-Learning in education
UNICOM - Intercultural seminar
UNICOM seminar given by Delia Jackson and Simon Smith from the University of Central Lancashire
Academic Writing I - Andy Gillett
MS PowerPoint II
MS Power Point I
Excel I and II
training - Excel 2010 basics - Excel 2010 advanced - practical usage
GROFF Veřejné zakázky
January 2012
Vhled do problematiky veřejného obstarávání a zadávaní veřejných zakázek.
Teaching Academic English I - Libor Štěpánek
December 2011
Introduction into the field of Academic Writing
Mahara workshop - SCO conference
Sigi-Jakob Kuhn a front German Mahara specialist, MoodleMoot organiser
DiV course 02
spring 2011
eLeaning course on Distance Education - eLearning material creation, Author Law, research Lucie Rohlíková Jana Vejvodová ÚCV Plzeň
DiV course 01
spring 2011
eLearning course on Distance Education by Lucie Rohlíková Plzeň
eLearning Conference and Competition
Jury award for originality of the course design (English for Health Studies)
Moodle course
MUNI - Tamara Váňová
Interaktivní terminologická databanka / Interactive Terminology Database
FRVŠ grant řešitel: Mgr. Zuzana Bezdíčková
E-learningový kurz rozvíjející komunikativní dovednosti v anglickém jazyce pro zdravotnická studia (spoluřešitel) / E-learning course developing communicative competence in English language targeted at students of Health Studies
FRVŠ grant řešitel: Mgr. Petr Krčmář
Tvorba a realizace elektronické formy on-line kurzu / Creation and realization of an e-learning course
FRVŠ grant řešitel: Mgr. Linda Pospíšilová spoluřešitelé: Mgr. Markéta Denksteinová, Ing. Lukáš Slánský
Employment History
English lecturer at University of Pardubice
- now
English for Chemistry
Mahara ePortfolio
English for Health Studies
English for Business
eLearning co-ordinator
eLearning Course creator
Address: Studentská 95
Moodle and Mahara ePortfolio administrator and trainer University Pardubice
- now
Project Management - Key Activity Manager at University Pardubice
- 12/2014
eLearning management eLearning administration implementation trainings
English teacher VOŠ optická Pardubice
- now
English teacher at English teacher: Caledonian School / EDUA
- 2014
company courses - Business English
Address: Vltavská 24, Praha 5
English teacher at KA agency
- 2009
intensive company courses
Address: Praha
English teacher at Elementary School Polabiny I
- 2001
teaching 5th to 9th graders Dalton Plan implementation and promotion
Address: Pardubice, Polabiny I.Professional Memberships
MaharaCZ FB group
2014 - now
2014 - now
European initiative on ePortfolio creation and implementation in education in Europe.
MaharaDE group
03/2014 - now
A German Mahara community
Mahara community
2013 - now
available for all users
02/11/2009 - now
Czech CASAJC section:
Academic skills
ESP - English for Chemistry, English for Health Studies, English for Graphic Arts
Academic Writing
eLearning - LMS Moodle, Mahara, web 2.0
teaching English for Scientists
Testing Spoken English - CEFR
Certified TOEIC Examiner
2014/15 iPad in education (project of 24U)
Project management:
2012 - 2014 Inovace integrované koncepce jazykového vzdělávání k zajištění kvality, podpory excelence a internacionalizace (UNICOM) (spoluřešitel) - vedoucí klíčové aktivity pro eLearning
2011 - FRVŠ projekt Interaktivní terminologická databanka (spoluřešitel)
2009 - FRVŠ projekt E-learningový kurz rozvíjející komunikativní dovednosti v anglickém jazyce pro zdravotnická studia (spoluřešitel)
2007 FRVŠ projekt Tvorba a realizace elektronické formy on-line kurzu - řešitel
Academic Goals
short term: learn and implement Mahara
create new Moodle courses
UNICOM project
long term: doctoral study
Personal Skills
English professional
Spanish A1
Russian A2
Computer skills (MS Office, Moodle, Mahara)
People management